準備 | 呪文名 | 難易度 | セーヴィング・スロー | 発動時間
| 持続時間 | 距離 |
| Alarm
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 2 hours/level
| Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)
| 構成要素:V, S, F/DF
| 系統:Abjuration
説明:Wards an area for 2 hours/level (PH172).
| Animal Friendship
| 14
| Will negates
| 1 Action
| Instantaneous
| Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)
| 構成要素:V, S, M
| 系統:Enchantment
説明:Gains permanent animal companions (PH173).
| Animal Trance
| 14
| Will negates
| 1 Action
| Concentration
| Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Enchantment
説明:Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals (PH174).
| Animal Trick
| 14
| Will negates
| 1 Action
| Instantaneous
| Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:Your animal companion performs a trick. (MOTW82)
| Bloodhound
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 1 hour/level
| Personal
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Divination
説明:Grants extra checks when tracking. (MOTW84)
| Camouflage
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 10 minutes/level
| Personal
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:+10 Bonus on Hide checks.(MagFR83)
| Dawn
| 14
| Fortitude negates
| 1 Action
| Instantaneous
| Personal
| 構成要素:V
| 系統:Abjuration
説明:All sleeping creatures in the area awaken. (MOTW86)
| Delay Poison
| 14
| Fortitude negates
| 1 Action
| 1 hour/level
| Touch
呪文抵抗:Yes (harmless)
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Conjuration
説明:Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. (PH191).
| Detect Animals or Plants
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| Concentration, up to 10 minutes/level
| Long (400 ft.+40 ft./level)
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Divination
説明:Detects species of animals or plants (PH192).
| Detect Snares and Pits
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| Concentration, up to 10 minutes/level
| 60 ft.
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Divination
説明:Reveals natural or primitive traps (PH194).
| Entangle
| 14
| Special
| 1 Action
| 1 minute/level
| Long (400 ft.+40 ft./level)
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft-radius circle (PH200).
| Hawkeye
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 10 minutes/level
| Personal
| 構成要素:V
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:Your range increment for projectile weapons increases by 50% and you gain +5 to spot checks. (MOTW89)
| Low-Light Vision
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 1 hour/level
| Touch
呪文抵抗:Yes (harmless)
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:The target gains low-light vision. (UE51)
| Magic Fang
| 14
| Will negates
| 1 Action
| 1 minute/level
| Touch
呪文抵抗:Yes (harmless)
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 bonus to attack and damage (PH223).
| Pass without Trace
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 1 hour/level
| Touch
呪文抵抗:Yes (harmless)
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:One subject/level leaves no tracks (PH234).
| Read Magic
| 14
| 1 Action
| 10 minutes/level
| Personal
| 構成要素:V, S, F
| 系統:Universal
説明:Read scrolls and spellbooks (PH243).
| Resist Elements
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 1 minute/level
| Touch
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Abjuration
説明:Ignores first 12 damage from one energy type each round (PH245).
| Speak with Animals
| 14
| 1 Action
| 1 minute/level
| Personal
| 構成要素:V, S
| 系統:Divination
説明:You can communicate with natural animals (PH254).
| Summon Nature`s Ally I
| 14
| None
| 1 Action
| 1 round/level
| Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)
| 構成要素:V, S, DF
| 系統:Conjuration
説明:Calls elemental or animal to fight for you (PH260).
| Wings of the Sea
| 14
| Fortitude negates
| 1 Action
| 1 minute/level
| Touch
呪文抵抗:Yes (harmless)
| 構成要素:S, M
| 系統:Transmutation
説明:+30 ft. to subjects swim speed (SS72)